Now, with a five-year strategic plan, the organization looks to the future. This plan reaffirms and clarifies the Conservancy’s mission and vision. It details the visions, actions, and indicators of success to fulfill our mission to be an exemplary steward of Island resources through a balance of conservation, education, and recreation.
The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan is comprised of clear values concerning both Catalina as a special place and the people who care for it, as well as five major visions that will be accomplished through investment in the organization, the community, and unique Catalina Island. These visions – related to landscape restoration, a mission-focused portfolio, passionate stakeholders, a dedicated team, and inspiring advocates – will empower the Conservancy, its team, and community to forge an even brighter future. The comprehensive framework for achieving our goals will ensure the efficient use of resources, fostering long-term sustainability and impact.
An Eye on Plants
Catalina Island Conservancy’s rare plant survey season is wrapping up, sprouting lots of important data and several rare finds. Conservancy Rare Plant Ecologist Kevin Alison and the team have spent hours in the field visiting remote locations in search of Catalina’s top 10 rare plant species and more. With the significant rains, consistently gentle temperatures, and adequate soil moisture, it’s a great time for plants. Visiting historical sites led to the rediscovery of several species including the stream orchid (Epipcatis gigantea), seen for the first time since 2011, and Catalina grass (Dissanthelium californicum), with healthy enough populations to retrieve seeds. Island rush-rose (Crocanthemum greenei) and Santa Catalina figwort (Scrophularia villosa) have also been found in significant quantities, both by revisiting populations and finding them in fresh areas. A great highlight is the Catalina nightshade (Solanum wallacei). Last year we only saw 1 to 5 individuals occurring at just 3 populations across the Island. This year, the team counted around 300 plants total. The six Santa Catalina Island mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus traskiae), though an incredibly small population, are showing new growth, and the Santa Cruz Island rockcress (Sibara filifolia) partnership remains strong with seed collection scheduled for July.
Feels Like Summer
Catalina Island Conservancy is excited to welcome two Summer Naturalists this year. Working with our education department, the interns will provide interpretation about Catalina for visitors and residents at locations around the Island Tuesday – Saturday in July and August. Primarily, naturalists will be stationed at Wrigley Memorial & Botanic Garden, and may also connect with visitors at Two Harbors and Airport in the Sky. These paid interns are incredibly helpful to share information about unique aspects of Catalina and the work of the Conservancy. Be sure to follow us on social media for updated information on where you can find the Conservancy Summer Naturalists. Stop by to visit them when they are at the Wrigley Memorial & Botanic Garden.
Hunting Season Begins
For years, Catalina Island has embraced one of the longest hunting seasons in the state in an effort to counter the negative effects of the introduced mule deer. Hunting season is nearly underway on Catalina Island. The season officially runs from July 13-December 18, with designated schedules pertaining to zones and class. The Conservancy website has requirements, rules, and resources including zone maps and links to hunting applications.
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